Saturday, January 17, 2009

The road..Your best friend!

The road…the moment one thinks of it all that comes 2 mind is a large black mass extending as far as the eyes can see and beyond.. But is the road really that??

The road I think is the best example of a perfect listener. One may also go ahead and say that the road is truly a man’s best friend. The road doesn’t care what mood you are coming in, it doesn’t care whether you are wearing a brand or not, further it still doesn’t care whether you are driving or walking. It’s always there for the ride, all that it cares is that you have come.

Driving along the road alone gives a person the one thing that they always have a shortage of- time for themselves. You don’t need to hit the road just to get somewhere or because you are a taxpayer! Sometimes you just hit the road because your mind is mixed up or because u want to think an issue over.

There is something soothing about zooming on the road and seeing that great black mass pass through in a whirl, in front of your eyes just like the various thoughts in your mind. The journey with the road also teaches one different things, just as the journey of life but the road is a far better teacher. One learns how to deal with the speed breakers and the various troughs that the road has…even though all of them are different with time one learns to negotiate them…In contrast though life more often than not throws up the same problem in different forms just like the road but we try to find a different solution for it each time even though we already know the optimum solution.

The journey across the road also teaches the importance of relationships. Different spots along the road remind one of different people and the reasons why you would want to be there with them. Seeing a lush green area on the highway one immediately feels the urge of having a picnic with near and dear ones.

The journey of the road also throws up important questions, for ex. when one sees an accident the question pops instantly in ones mind whether they should stop to help or should they just zoom off even though all it may cost is a few minutes of the journey; a small time frame when compared to the entire journey. This is the exact situation in most of our lives where we can help a colleague or an acquaintance, who is like the co-passenger on the road, but we choose not to thinking that we are wasting precious moments of our life.The road also encourages one to pursue interests, singing while on the road or listening to music things which we enjoy but as always are really busy to pursue.

But the best thing about the road is that it allows one to see patterns and connections. When one is spending time alone one can see a lot of connections between the different problems that one faces which is difficult to do when one is occupied with one thing or the other always.

The next time when you are wondering what should I do now?? Go ahead and hit the road…. Believe me you will love it…and please leave you cell phones at home…you are not obama that the world needs you every instant… After all there is only one person who know your true value…So go ahead spend some time with yourself…and travel with a friend and not an advisor…because that’s what the road really is.

Happy Riding!!


  1. A good write! I like the analogies, article written with the heart of a true traveler Mr. Jhamb :)

  2. It comes straight from the heart. Its like a beautiful girl sitting in moonlight sporting no makeup, the one who u wanna compliment from ur heart. Loved the cellphone and road being a friend and not an advisor part....

    A silent witness and a patient listener of millions everyday, one who never complains, never whines and stays with you until you decide to leave it.

  3. exactly my feelings..nicely put into words !! good job :)
